Document Management Software
Document Manager (DocMan) is a fully featured, highly configurable document storage and retrieval system. The software has been designed to be an easy, simple and effective application for the digitisation, storage and organisation of both paper and electronic documents. It features:-
- Integrated support for most document scanners.
- Automatically choose the best settings for scanning based on document type, removing this responsibility from the operator.
- Choose the best compression settings for a particular document based on its content.
- Comprehensive database management features, allowing documents to be easily searched and sorted.
- Document Audit reports.
- Import of existing databases from external applications.
- Scheduled tasks, such as the deletion, back-up and import of database entries.
- Several fields of the database can be searched simultaneously using a variety of logical functions.
- Integrated OCR Support. Any part of a scanned document can be searched.
- Read-only web interface for document publishing.
All of this is achieved using a simple, uncluttered graphical interface, making it very simple and easy to learn and use.
Docman features comprehensive administrative features, and allows for a high level of customisation. This allows the software to be tailored by the administrator to perfectly fit their needs. Attributes such as field names and default contents for the fields can be easily configured, custom fields can be added which can be set to accept input in several formats, including text, numbers and dates. The administrator’s settings menu features comprehensive access control solutions, allowing the administrator to set separate user or group accounts to set their access privileges.